Recipes/ Snacks

Rainbow Salsa!

Gluten-free, Vegan

It’s June and it is a very special month indeed! In June we come together to support the LGBTQ2S+ community for PRIDE month! Promoting an all inclusive platform is very important to me, we are all one, the same, human and should be treated as equal no matter who or how you decide to love. Love is what matters.

Love……….. and food, of course! There is no better way to share time with your loved ones than by enjoying a meal with them. And since it’s June, summer is just around the corner, we all have spring fever, are excited for the sun and heat, we are packing up for picnics, the beach and poolside parties and no matter how you enjoy to spend your time with your loved ones, FOOD is the icing on the cake (no pun intended!)

This salsa is so beautiful with all these vibrant colours, I thought it was a perfect recipe for PRIDE month- this is why I call it my RAINBOW SALSA! Plus it is so light and fresh, the perfect combination of flavours to pair with corn tortilla chips. Every bite is delicious and people always ask me for this recipe when they try it. I made it a long time ago, long before I decided to start posting my recipes and blogging about them. So long ago in fact I don’t even remember the first time I made it! This recipe uses the most beautiful ingredients to make a perfect combination of sweet and tangy, nutritious and fullfilling. There are some substitutes you can make, but I would otherwise try to use the same fruits that I have here. Salsa is so versatile, and the first thing we think of is using it as a dip for chips. Which is the BEST! But have you ever thought about using it on top of grilled fish? Amazing. Do the same on top of grilled chicken breast or pork. Mix it with rice to make the best ever caribbean rice (is that thing? I don’t think so but I call it caribbean rice because it reminds me of the caribbean and is so delicious! trust me…). Add a few scoops on top of your avocado toast or toss it into a salad- the options are endless so give it a try.

What goes into the Rainbow Salsa?

The best, most nutritious and anti-inflammatory ingredients, that’s what! Just fresh healhty ingredients to help your body heal, to keep inflammation at bay and to nourish cells. I don’t know if that is what most people think when they eat this salsa, but I doubt it. They will think it’s amazing, maybe not realizing how powerful it really is. So let’s talk about that for a moment.

  • Pineapple: this fruit has long been revered in the world of anti-inflammatory foods. A little enzyme called Bromelain is the star with its anti-inflammatory properties, plus pineapple is a great source of Vit C, fiber and potassium.
  • Mangos: this bright orange fruit contains several antioxidant nutrients, such as flavenols, that help combat inflammation. It also contains a great amount of Folate, Vit C, Vit A and Vit B6, which helps with your overall immunity.
  • Cherry or Grape Tomatoes: all tomatoes are rich in lycopenes, another powerful antioxidant for your health and protects against free radicals. It is also loaded with Potassium and is a good source of fiber.
  • Avocados: I love to put a nice dose of healhy fats into many of my recipes, and avocados are loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids. They can lower cholesterol, keep you regular with their fiber content and promote overall good health.
  • Garlic: garlice is a powerful immune booster but also has anti-inflammatory compounds and might be good to help prevent damage from arthritis.
  • Olive oil: another healthy monounsaturated fatty acid, called oleic acid, proven to reduct inflammation and have heart healthy properties
  • Mint: the mint gives this a great flavour and is soothing for your tummy and digestive system. I often times use Basil or parsley as a substitute as well
  • Lemon: cleansing queen! Lemons taste fresh and contain a good amount of Vit C

I think its about time to dig into this salsa- my mouth is watering and I can just taste the salty corn tortillas bursting with the fresh flavours from the rainbow salsa! The recipe is quite easy to make, just a bit of choping and tossing. I don’t even need to spell it out for you in this post, it’s that easy. I will say that making this an hour ahead of time allowing all the flavours to combine is a good idea. Serve it in something casual or rustic- it suits the recipe best.

As for subs- you can swap out the lemon for lime, the mint for basil or parsley, and I LOVE adding in red onion! The only problem is my hubby hates raw onions- so I am out of luck there when making it for us lol.

Let me know if you try it, and tag me in a pic!

Enjoy xoxoxo

Rainbow Salsa

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By Nadia Zanini Serves: 8
Prep Time: 15 mins Total Time: 15 mins

A super healthy and vibrant salsa perfect for salty tortilla chips. Naturally anti-inflammatory - A recipe to impress your friends!


  • 1 cup chopped pineapple
  • 1 cup chopped mango
  • 1 cup chopped grape tomatoes
  • 2 chopped ripe avocados
  • 1-2 garlic cloves
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1/2 juice of a lemon
  • 2 tbsp chopped mint leaves
  • Salt & Pepper



Chop your pineapple, mango, grape tomatoes and avocado and add to a bowl


Chop you mint leaves finely and add to the bowl


Chop garlic clove and add to bowl


Add olive oil, the juice of the lemon and salt & pepper to the bowl


Mix all ingredients well


Refrigerate up to an hour and serve with corn tortilla chips

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